
Legal Newsletter - March 2022 issue

“Nodia, Urumashvili and Partners” is glad to share its quarterly Legal Newsletter.

March 2022 issue covers the following topics:

Introduction of amendments to the Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection

• Statements of the National Bank of Georgia regarding impact of sanctions

• New era of the Georgian Law on Entrepreneurs

• The GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is to become mandatory on goods imported to the Georgian market

• Constitutional Court ruling on the requirement to wear a face mask in public places

• Amendments to the Law of Georgia on Advertising

• Amendments to the Law of Georgia on the Organisation of Lotteries, Gambling and Gainful games

• Amendments to the Food/Feed Safety, Veterinary and Plant Protection Code

We hope that you find the above useful and informative. If you have any queries or comments, please contact us. [email protected]

Follow the link to access the copy.  


"This Newsletter as relevant March 29, 2022 has been written in general terms and should be seen as a broad guidance only. Nothing in this Newsletter is intended, or nor should be construed as a legal advice or guarantee from LTD “Nodia, Urumashvili & Partners” on the positive result of any legal proceeding with regard to the legal opinions provided herein."