Tamta Margvelashvili joined the well-respected team of Nodia, Urumashvili & Partners in 2019. Prior to recruiting to the firm she has chaired one of the youth non-governmental organization. In 2017 Tamta has successfully completed a joint program of Ministry of Justice in Saarland, German-Georgian Society and Tbilisi State University “Court Clerkship in Germany”. She has been awarded with number of research and study grants in Germany and Belgium. Tamta is currently pursuing her PhD at Tbilisi State University, focusing on competition law and positions as an invited lecturer of Ilia State University and Georgian National University, giving lectures in contract law and mediation.
Education: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (LL.M. International and European Law - Business track 2019), Tbilisi State University LL.B., Friedrich Schiller University of Jena (LL.B. exchange).
Practice area: Banking and Finance, Corporate and M&A, Insolvency, ADR.
Languages: Georgia, English, German, Russian